Hello loves! It’s been a minute since I shared a Monday Mantra… and by minute I mean like, months & months… truthfully, when I started this blog, I thought it would be simple way to have at least one consistent, weekly post, but as I 

Once in a while, blow your own damn mind

Once in a while, blow your own damn mind

Happy Monday, friends! Today I’m sharing one of my most favourite, meaningful, transformative, mindblowing quotes! And no, that’s not what I say about every mantra. I’m serious! This one is for everyone. All you babes AND your dogs need to take this one in because it’s seriously life-changing and 

Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it

Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it

This line by Marc Jacobs is probably that much more inspiring because come on, it was said by Marc Jacobs. One of the most game-changing, innovative, versatile people in the world, this message can hit the mark for so many people in so many ways. 

Be the energy you want to attract

Be the energy you want to attract

Welcome to the first edition of Monday Mantra! I have always been a fan of mantras. So much in fact, that I don’t stick to just one. I use mantras as a way to encourage and motivate myself in a way that I think can