New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

Here we are. A new year, a new DECADE, and as always, a new start. I’m sure you can relate that because we’re entering a new decade, it feels like the pressure is on… and like my New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 better be . 

Gift Giving with Intention

Gift Giving with Intention

The struggle of gift giving with intention is real. Truth is, sometimes even gift receiving can be a struggle! I can’t be the only one who has once received a gift that I really did not want, and would have been happy to leave at 

Shopping Local in Winnipeg with Travel Manitoba

Shopping Local in Winnipeg with Travel Manitoba

With the holiday season quickly approaching, I teamed up with Travel Manitoba to challenge myself to shop local in Winnipeg for all of my gifts this year! It always feels good to support local businesses (especially during the holidays) so I rounded up 5 of 

Money Saving Tips for Serial Shoppers

Money Saving Tips for Serial Shoppers

Shopping is NO minor obsession… honestly, it’s become a bit of an addiction for me at this point! Thankfully over the years, I’ve come up with some money saving tips for serial shoppers! CREATE A BUDGET: you really don‘t know how much you’re spending til 

The Transition from University to Career

The Transition from University to Career

Alright y’all — it’s been almost 8 weeks since I “officially” became a working woman… and although I’ve been working in professional jobs for the past 4ish years, and worked almost full-time at the same company for the past 9 months, there is definitely something