Tag: mondaymantra



Hello loves! It’s been a minute since I shared a Monday Mantra… and by minute I mean like, months & months… truthfully, when I started this blog, I thought it would be simple way to have at least one consistent, weekly post, but as I 

Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it

Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it

This line by Marc Jacobs is probably that much more inspiring because come on, it was said by Marc Jacobs. One of the most game-changing, innovative, versatile people in the world, this message can hit the mark for so many people in so many ways. 

Be the energy you want to attract

Be the energy you want to attract

Welcome to the first edition of Monday Mantra!

I have always been a fan of mantras. So much in fact, that I don’t stick to just one. I use mantras as a way to encourage and motivate myself in a way that I think can only be done through the expression of words. I hope my mantras can start your week off on the right note, or just act as a spot to find a little inspiration.

“Be the energy you want to attract” has such a simple but strong message. All too often I find myself getting into a mood, and that mood stays with me all day long, in everything I do. I don’t think I’m wrong in saying this is probably a somewhat common occurrence for more than just me. It’s so important to remember that what you put out, is what you’ll get in return. Being mad, or bitter, or whatever other negative emotion you’re feeling and portraying is only going to lead to the same negative energy coming back at you. I try not to let my emotions get in the way of how I interact and the way I present myself. This not only leads to more positive interactions, but you truly start to feel better and forget you were ever in anything less than a good state of mind with a positive outlook.

Another way to see this is more high level, as in treat the world as you want the world to treat you. You want to be a successful boss babe and kill it at everything you do? Then work hard, push boundaries, and don’t stop trying. You want to be well-regarded, well-respected, and admired? Then be genuine, be real, and keep to your own business. All in all, you get what you give, so make sure everything you do and everything you say brings you a little closer to who you want yourself to be.

Whatever this quote says to you, try keep it in your mind this week and remember it at times when you may not feel at your best. The power of positivity is real, you just first have to be it to see it.